About Us
This collection of jewelry reflects my unique vision of combining metal and fiber. I particularly enjoy the contrasts between materials. The crocheted cotton elements are soft, flexible and very light in weight. They allow me to explore pattern and an infinite amount of color combinations. The metal elements are sleek sculptural forms. They allow me to explore the use of traditional silversmithing techniques, such as forging, forming and hand construction using sheet and wire. The resulting necklaces, pins and earrings are very functional and easy to wear.
Just as the techniques I use are contrasting so are the ways in which I acquired these skills. My Estonian mother and grandmother taught me to crochet as a young child and I have enjoyed exploring textile techniques ever since. My education in silversmithing is more formal. I received a BFA in Jewelry and Metalsmithing from the Rhode Island School of Design. Immediately after graduation I worked as a designer for the costume jewelry industry in Providence, RI. During this time I realized my passion for and commitment to the individually created hand-crafted object.